-tion - definitie. Wat is -tion
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Wat (wie) is -tion - definitie

Chionin Temple; Chion-in Temple; Tion-in Temple; Tion-in
  • Chion-in's main hall "Mieido" (御影堂)
  • Sanmon (National Treasure of Japan)
  • The pond behind Chion-in
  • left

see -ation
¦ suffix forming nouns of action, condition, etc. such as completion.
from L. participial stems ending in -t + -ion.
green with envy         
Green with Envy; London (M24 song); Deluded (Tion Wayne song); Tion Wayne discography; Wow (Tion Wayne song); Knock Knock (Tion Wayne song); Knock Knock (Tion Wayne and M24 song); IFTK; Let's Go (Tion Wayne song); Let's Go (Tion Wayne and Aitch song); Dennis Odunwo; Odunwo; Healing (Tion Wayne song)
very envious or jealous.



Chion-in (知恩院, Monastery of Gratitude) in Higashiyama-ku, Kyoto, Japan is the headquarters of the Jōdo-shū (Pure Land Sect) founded by Hōnen (1133–1212), who proclaimed that sentient beings are reborn in Amida Buddha's Western Paradise (Pure Land) by reciting the nembutsu, Amida Buddha's name.

The vast compounds of Chion-in include the site where Hōnen settled to disseminate his teachings and the site where he died.

Uitspraakvoorbeelden voor -tion
1. It's our romanticism. Mu-ta-tion. We are mutants.
Voorbeelden uit tekstcorpus voor -tion
1. And when was the last time you really used your imagina–tion?
2. Constant reorganisa–tion has become a substitute for action, as the experience of the NHS shows.
3. He also did not men tion that much of this country‘s stockpile of nuclear waste comes from past military programmes.
4. After negotiation between the two South Asian leaders, a joint declara–tion has also been read out.
5. Article continues Hospitals have changed remarkably and mostly for the better, in the past five years; but success seems not an op tion.